
Cars - motorcycles - trucks - off-road vehicles - karts - quads - rental ideas

Available for rental, models of almost all car brands. Both in road and racing versions. - In addition to the standard models, there’s the possibility to represent various categories of competitions. Possibility to create original models in 3D printing.
Below there’s a small selection of what is available for your events.


Upon specific customer request, we are able to create any 3D printed car model.
Timing of design and production: 3/4 weeks.

Tesla Model S

Made for Tesla for an event inside the Corneliani Boutique in Milan.

Maserati Levante

Made for Maserati for a series of events related to the "Maserati Winter Tour".

Formula E

In the pre-production phase for Enel X customer. Production will resume as soon as you are sure of the restart of the championship.